Young people are integral to the Conservative Party, with a rich history of supporting our aims and promises.

We are the official youth section of the Conservative Party.
The Conservative Party depends on young people to bring it into the future. Many of those involved with the Young Conservatives have gone onto lead the national party, using their experience to become future political leaders.
Being a member means you are able to:
Help us win elections - your subscription payment goes towards local campaigns in your area, helping us elect Conservative Councillors and Members of Parliament
Have a say in the future of the Party - sharing policy ideas, giving feedback on policies and influencing Party policy
Choose the candidates who’ll stand in local and parliamentary elections, and vote in leadership elections - as a YC you are a full member of the Conservative Party which means (after three months membership) you can vote in our internal election
Join our events and socials - we hold regular social meet-ups and other events with guest speakers, including our excellent local MPs!
Stand for election - being a member means you can stand for election for the Conservative Party Take part in our campaign groups – such as the Conservative Women’s Organisation or your local Conservative Association. Meet like-minded people and get involved in other Party activities
Attend Conference – every year a group of local YCs attend Conference. As a member you can also join our MPs, councillors and activists in the biggest event of the Conservative calendar
Get involved, campaign and vote. We need you to keep Britain Blue.
Young Conservatives Relaunch, January 2025